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Isabelle Soltner

is based in Paris



My name is Isabelle Soltner and I produce abstract artistic calligraphies. 


I have always been amazed by the different types of calligraphies. I mostly draw on paper with Indian ink or coloured inks. My work is essentially based on movements. I usually let my body express itself without having a concrete idea of the desired result. It is throughout various artistic discoveries, during contempary art exhibition that I worked on my creativity and my style, which are very precious to me. 

Instagram : isabelle.soltner



158è Salon de la Société Versaillaise des Artistes d'Ile de France

19 sept au 1er oct

Versailles (78) - France

Salon d'arts d'Angerville - 32e edition

1 to 7 april

Angerville (91) - France

Salon des arts Le Perray - 30e edition

25 March to 2 april

Le Perray (78) - France

11 to 19 Mars

Salon des arts et Peinture de Saclay

Saclay (91) - France

Espace 181 - Exposition en solo à Palaiseau

4 to 19 Fev

Palaiseau (91) - France


Salon du petit format - 2nd edition

13 to 31 Dec

Chatenay Malabry (78) - France

Graph'ink - La maison Hirondelle de Montréal

17 sept to 19 Nov

Montéral (89) - France


Salon du petit format de Chatenay Malabry

4 to 21 Dec

Chatenay Malabry (78) - France

Art exhibition of Ballancourt - 41th edition

12 to 21 Nov

Ballancourt (91) - France

Exhibition Quinze Boulev'art de la Loire

Collaboration with the photographer Heather Mc Lean

1 to 21 Aug

Savenay (44) - France

Maurep’art exhibition - 37th edition

13 to 26 March

Maurepas (78) - France

Virtual exhibition in ARTE LAGUNA WORLD

Since January

Platform of Artists in the Spotlights


La maison hirondelle de Montréal

20 Nov to 6 Feb

Montréal (89) - France

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